shot blasting machine / Granalladora " name="description">


Dati azienda

industria metalmeccanica

13-2 mathura roa 121003 (RO)
Chi siamo
The Sino wheelAbrator professionals design, technical supporting, manufactures and services shot blasting machine and surface preparation sand blasting machines and related granallado products for a range of industries, cleaning, derusting, descaling and hardening of surfaces. Improvements can be realized by upgrading to newer technology.
The company has led the way in all aspects of the Surface preparation application solutions for the foundry and forge, metalworking and descaling, automotive and heavy truck, structural steel, fabricated steel, aerospace, steel bars, pipe and fabrications, ship, railway, construction and heavy-duty applications, and best-in-class service and support. Preservation lines are available for blasting and priming plates and shapes.
We provide world-class shot blasting machines & granalladora along with new innovative ideas and concepts to eliminate old design problems with shot blasting equipment. shot blasting machine / Granalladora
Cosa facciamo

Shot blasting machine


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